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Thursday, July 30, 2009

I love my makes me happy every day. Watching things grow is a peaceful and happy thing. I love the things that come out of my garden too. I am excited about the first taste of zuccini....the lettuce is delicious. Summer truely has it advantages.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Caleb or Kaleb Denzer

William Abraham Denzer

Safe arrivals from Heaven

William Abraham Denzer and Caleb Denzer have arrived and the miracle of life has brought our family so much joy. These two little boys were born just over a week apart. There were trips to hospitals and happy smiles as we embraced them with the love we can not contain. I am so grateful to know that they are partly mine. Lucy and Eliza will find the love of siblings and Aunts and Uncles are ready to spoil and to play. Nothing is better than life with family.